Nothing brings joy to a nerds heart like smashing two hobbies together and getting something amazing out. I do a bit of photography, mostly astro stuff with a telephoto lens. Not the best set up but you use what you can. If you want to take nice long exposures of deep sky objects you need a tracking mount to account for the earth's rotation otherwise you get star trails. Sometimes that's cool but if you want a pic of the Orion Nebula it's a pain.
Switching gears, I like stepper motors. As in REALLY like them. No idea why. A lot of my ideas feature them and these projects are the ones I think about a lot. So, the plan is to build a small car/ute trailer mounted computer controlled portable tracking observatory for my camera. Basically a pan/tilt stepper kit connected to a computer in order track stars and control the camera. The idea is that I could drive out to somewhere dark and clear and set this thing up in the back of the ute or on the roof and sit in the nice warm car and control everything from there. Maybe have some other gizmo to adjust the focal length of the lens and control a green laser mounted on the flash shoe to help me pin point an object. Oh the possibilities!!
In regards to my heat pump remote project, I've kinda stalled. Haven;t had much progress. Mostly trying to find a nice IR transmitter circuit for the arduino. /END MESSAGE
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