The down side of this is that any signals are going to be big fat things full of info. In order to cut my teeth on decoding IR signals I decided to have a crack at a TV remote. Fortunately I had access to a TV with a remote! Yay! So I plugged the IR receiver into my trusty Pickit 2 and fired up the logic analyser software and got to work.
First capture. Head scratching ensued |
Gibberish. IR gibberish. In my research I'd come to believe that most IR signals were sent with Manchester encoding which indicates 1's and 0's by a rising or falling edge. Seems simple enough. Until you try to decode it by eye. The problem I was having was that I didn't know how long a clock pulse was. This is a problem as the Manchester signals use 2 clock pulses per bit. Not knowing the boundaries of the bits made it tricky. I also didn't have an easy way of overlaying a grid to divide the bits using the clock pulses I didn't have. I could have used Gimp or Photoshop but I am unapologetically lazy. All in all this gave me a headache and many other things suddenly seemed more important and interesting than this project of mine.
Then one day a week or so later I was surfing the intertubes and came across a great blog post that showed the process a certain dude took when he was decoding IR signals. In his case a 1's and 0's were indicated by a short high pulse followed by either a long or short low. The high pulses marked the boundaries between bits and the lows indicated a 1 or 0. The "aha" moment came when I realised that his logic captures started low. When I was setting up the trigger for my logic analyser I had to set it to a falling edge as the signal from my receiver started high. I didn't even click. After that I took another look at my data and for the hell of it flipped the image in Gimp.
Victory! |
Holy crap! It looks almost exactly like the other guys data, a high preamble, high pulses and long/short lows! Woot! It all made sense now. The signal was not Manchester encoded, it was just upside down! Now it's so much easier to read. I haven't done any actual decoding yet, or set up a spreadsheet with all the signals in it, but it's on my list. I'll probably be ordering some more stuff from Little Bird soon to build a transmitter.
It may seem like an obvious mistake to some but that is the whole reason I'm doing this project! I don't know jack and want to learn in a practical way and have a cool gadget to play with at the end.
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